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Sunday, November 03, 2019

No More Roundabouts!!!



  2. The whole darn city is a roundabout with all that's been done in the past few months. I refuse to go into Salisbury unless it's to make deliveries or see customers. I will not patronize any establishment r business inside the city limits. It's a pain in the ass.
    Worst part, I loved the zoo. But it's has been made like a maze to figure out how to get there. It is/was the best thing in Salisbury.
    I was leaving money to the zoo in my will, at one point. But Day screwed it up and I go there no more. And took that out of my will. Let the city pay for the mess.

  3. This type of Protests should have been done from Day 1 not 4 days from the election.

  4. Don't hold your breath for jobs. Raise you kids to get out and not look back. The ones that stay here and think they can work marry buy a house and raise a family are out of luck and will never make ends meet.

  5. I cannot believe the state of BOTH SIDES of South Salisbury Blvd sidewalks! No way having both torn up is accommodating ADA!

  6. Mark is exactly right. What a waste of money. I used to enjoy going to the zoo abd Ben’s Big Red Swings but traveling that way now is more of a pain than anything. What a waste of money. It would be better spent if you stick a porta pot in the middle of the road then that stupid round about

  7. If Day wins, which I think he will, taxes will be going up and small business will suffer and probably close. You have to bring in jobs. More then min wage jobs. Then you can worry about wrapping parking garages and rainbow walkways. Who is going to pay for all the wasted money?

    The circle at Wor Wic is a mess when busy. Don't try to get in the circle when school lets out. Wait until those other lots by Arby's are developed. Not to mention people go backwards in the circle alot!!

  8. Now these same idiots are considering one at the North gate in Ocean Pines just because there is a little back up coming out of the Pines during the summer. The real issue is that the tourists use 589 to get to route 50 rather than going a little farther south to hit route 50. Can you imagine the tourists racing to the beach slowing down at a round about, not happening. The summer traffic on 589 is simply awful.

  9. Typical of Dem in elected places. Lead people in a circle and they eventually will tire.

  10. All the streets needed was to be paved.The city has become a mess with all of the "creativity"

  11. terrible street surfacing that needs to be renewed, terrible decision on these bike routes that are not being used and needs to be eliminated, Bus stops on 13 and other areas block / hinder traffic instead of making these stops on side streets. Must I go on for better usage of tax dollars that does not create safety hazards.

  12. If everyone learned to levitate there wouldn’t be an issue

    1. Like you 11:22, you are bad ass

  13. 10:58. Exactly what I've said from when I saw this mess started. Just pave the streets in the city.
    All was good.

  14. The zoo and park are MORE dangerous than they were before. Between the narrow road due to the stupid roundabout and the street parking it is a total cluster

    AND who the heck put a bike lane a foot behind parked cars at the zoo entrance off snow hill road???

    Zero vision for sure, can't see to pull your car out while you whack off a bicyclist that comes out of no where RIGHT BEHIND YOU A FOOT AWAY... what a friggin joke!!!

    The city will be the first one sued for that tragedy. Who was the moron that came up with that design?!

  15. Anonymous said...
    This type of Protests should have been done from Day 1 not 4 days from the election.

    November 2, 2019 at 9:55 AM

    Where is everyone? So much support on a keyboard. It is up to everyone who has a voice to use it! Can you and a few friends go to some polling places at lunch or after work and support King? I know he would love to have you!

  16. We should have been complaining since day 1 with Jake where have you been? We tried to tell the Election Board and all powers that be back before he ran unopposed that it was a mistake he should not have gotten to be mayor and they needed to wait and offer up another candidate no one wanted him but his cronies. The pride he takes in winning that election is a crock of you know what--anybody can win when they allow they run alone, to go through without an opponent. And the complaints have rained from tax payers since he got the shoe in job. Ask Joe Albero I bet half of his material since the kid got in have been about this joke of a messed up kid. He has the mentality of a 5 year old. So don't point the finger at us we would like to put him on a slow boat to anywhere but here.

  17. Rainbow leaders not too bright...the blind leading the blind...the emperor has no clothes and it's not a pretty picture. so sad to see MY, once beautiful city go the way of the trash heap.

  18. Well if all the retired people here from elsewhere that we pandered to would just stay the hell home and go out once a week the rest of us that support the tax base could get to work. It's as if shopping and eating out is their only pass time . Doesn't anyone knit anymore.
    Has anyone really stepped backed and looked at what has become of Salisbury ? It's just become another rotting consumer trap. Strip Malls,Fast Food, Wal-Mart, Target stupid Micro Breweries and short fated boutique bars and restaurants . I know these business people think they are " Entrepreneurs" with small business BIG ideas but we got along just fine with out all this nonsense and sprawl. Forget Downtown it's done what is all this temporary commercial shit on Rt. 13 going to look like in five years. It's already a mess.
    We've given up the only resource we had here....a unique cohesive community and now it's just another struggling paved paradise. No Mayor will make any difference it will just be one faction of the voting tax base or the other feeling justified idealistically just like the Federal spectacle.
    Own what you have stay out of debt and stay away from all of of them make your own way. Representation is a big circle jerk joke.

  19. Whoever it is that inspects utility patches should be fired. The patches end up costing taxpayers when they fail. Dumping some hot patch into a deep hole isn't enough, the patch needs to be rebuilt from the bottom up in the same way the existing street surface was laid. Make the utility companies fix them with a guarantee against future potholes in the repaired places, not just dump a bad patch and walk away.

  20. Our City streets are a blessing, go ride around Baltimore! You will so glad you live in Salisbury!

  21. That much money for a round-a-bout?? Which people don't even understand how to utilize? Crimey

  22. Fix Fitzwater street you dopes!

  23. The park/zoo area is an absolute mess. Signs stating the obvious everywhere, shoreline so overgrown you cannot even see and appreciate the river, parking is a mess and a liability and the last goes on; all design screwups by millenial engineer wannabes. Disaster

  24. What happened to the roundabout construction? Thought it was starting Oct. 25th. Is Jake postponing this until after the election because he knows what a cluster f#*k this will be?

  25. November 2, 2019 at 12:54 PM
    Beautiful comment.

  26. What happened to the Industry in Salisbury? Campbell's Soup Company and others moved out. Why?

  27. I'm embarrassed to tell anyone I live in Salisbury. The city has become a rat hole, ghetto, low rent district. torn up streets and sidewalks POS town. It's getting like Baltimore, Detroit and Chicago.What was once a pretty nice little town has become a hellhole.

  28. I’m a start a civil war over roundabouts! Tick tock tick tock

  29. Yea, you're getting a much needed traffic circle, whether you want it or not. Accept it. You are not changing (or keeping) anything by complaining. Salisbury is changing, and will continue to change. The ones that want to keep living in the past are going to have a problem in the future. Nothing stays the same.....

  30. Another Jake move possibly. I received my city water and sewer bill and it increased another $10.00 from the last quarter. I actually used less water this time and my bill is higher than the last. Is this something Jake has anything to do with?


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