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Monday, November 25, 2019

More Polio Cases Now Caused by Vaccine Than by Wild Virus

Four African countries have reported new cases of polio linked to the oral vaccine, as global health numbers show there are now more children being paralyzed by viruses originating in vaccines than in the wild.

In a report late last week, the World Health Organization and partners noted nine new polio cases caused by the vaccine in Nigeria, Congo, Central African Republic and Angola. Seven countries elsewhere in Africa have similar outbreaks.



  1. Foil hatters proving to be correct once again!! All you pompous over educated morons take the prize for the most ignorant fools on the planet. Climate change,vacines abortion, LGBT. ALL your theories...WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!dead wrong

  2. These counties should have birth control (not abortion) to eliminate the number of children that they watch die due to overcrowding and disease.

  3. Are those more of the Clinton vaccines?

  4. There us a special place for people like you 5:39 and its real warm.

  5. 5:39 would care when it becomes personal - like at their next Democrat meeting place. Polio is real people. My mother had it before a vaccine. She suffered her whole life with crippling.

  6. So you'll trust the government and pharmaceutical companies over your own eyes? Brilliant.


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