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Friday, November 15, 2019

Mark Steyn: Trump an 'inspirational' voice for a 'faint-hearted Republican Party'

Commentator and author Mark Steyn said Thursday that President Trump sounds like an inspirational voice to thousands of his supporters.

Steyn made the comment on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" while listening in on the president's rally in northwestern Louisiana, and added that Trump is energizing the GOP by fighting back against the Democrats' impeachment inquiry and any potential Senate conviction.

"The president, actually, in this circumstance is standing there and saying 'Go, bring it on' -- 'Even if you did that I'd still run next November and I'd win next November'," Steyn said in reference to the inquiry. "He's inspirational to a faint-hearted Republican Party. This is the way to do it. This is why people voted for him -- because your base wants a candidate that pushes back."



  1. Republicans need to Tuffin up & stick together & clean up
    that SWAMP !!!
    Get Rid of those Dirty Democrats !!!

  2. Many of our votes were made for Trump because the alternative was a national boat ride further into the heart of darkness with that soulless Clinton harpy at the helm. We voted to dodge that bullet.

  3. Face it, political candidates in our time across the board are pathetic. And that's dangerous. Stay alert and ready.

  4. He's right whimpy Republicans need to toughen up and take the fight right back to those lying POS Democrats.Support Republicans that might be in danger of losing their seat in congress,weather they are in your state/district or not.


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