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Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Mark Cuban: Millionaire Elizabeth Warren Touting Wealth Tax to ‘Divert Attention from Her Income and Net Worth’

Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban believes Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is being disingenuous, suggesting she is likely promoting her sweeping wealth tax proposals to divert attention from her own net worth, which is well into the millions.

Warren has made millionaires and billionaires a central target of her campaign, proposing an “Ultra-Millionaire Tax,” which levies a two percent tax on individuals with $50 million in assets or more. The percentage increases to three percent for those with $1 billion or more. Warren also says she will pay for her $52 trillion Medicare for All plan, in part, by “asking billionaires to pitch in six cents on each dollar of net worth above $1 billion.”

She recently unveiled her sarcastic “calculator for the billionaires,” which she used to hit Michael Bloomberg directly:



  1. Tax the rich to feed the poor
    'til there no rich no more.

    I'd Love To Change The World (But I Don't Know What To Do)
    -------Ten Years After -1971

  2. Like the poem. I agree with Mark Cuban. Also she enveys Billionaires because she isn't there yet but she has hope - doesn't every DEMOCRAtIC President become Billionaires - like Obama.

  3. Typical politician saying what the their followers want to hear but they get in office and do nothing to change the system. And then Trump comes along. Now look at what all those career politicians are doing to distract from the truth! Anything but fix what is wrong in our government.


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