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Saturday, November 23, 2019

Liberals Are Turning Their Backs On Democrats


  1. There is a difference between liberal Americans and rabid Communists...

    1. Name 5 differences ?

    2. Here are 6..but liberal/dems are closer to NAZIs. the parallels of the neo-Nazi democrat party and their spiritual cousins, the Third Reich;

      1) Both supported rampant socialism

      2) Both supported disarming the population. Thus far, only the Third Reich succeeded.

      3) Both supported book burning.

      4) Both used violent tactics to halt free speech

      5) Both demonized their political opponents and incited mob violence.

      6) Both conducted a murderous holocaust of innocents. The holocaust of the Jews pales in comparison to the over 60 million babies the democrats have slaughtered.

      A hundred years from now and long after the Nuremberg style trials and execution of democrat politicians, when someone makes a vicious slur they will refer to another as a democrat rather than a Nazi.

  2. Actually they aren't. They just want more rabid, ANTI AMERICAN, lowlife, POS. Like another Obama, Farrakhan, holder, black panther African American. But little do they know. There will NEVER be another Obama in the WH.

  3. I see where the Democrats running for President and other Dems are not happy with Obama after he spoke of mainstream Americans not wanting radical changes. They actually said for Obama to go away - not interested in what he had to say. Wow - politics πŸ€”πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

  4. We need to put George Sorros out of commission


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