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Sunday, November 03, 2019

Kamala Harris Blames Her Campaign Problems On The Fact That She’s A Woman Of Color

Kamala Harris is floundering in the polls.

Her 2020 campaign has pretty much stalled out, and she thinks she knows why.

According to her, it’s all about racism and sexism. That’s what she claimed in a recent interview.

From Axios:

Kamala Harris says running for president as a woman of color in the 2020 election is different than running as a black man or as a white woman and that the question of electability has emerged as “the elephant in the room about my campaign.”



  1. Probably so.How can Democrats make a case against everything Trump has accomplished?

  2. Wow, Hillary syndrome is sinking in.

  3. Naa, we just don't like you because you slept your way up and are a tool of the Left.

  4. Cry, cry, cry, it has nothing to do with color, you are an incompetent person running for President, period!

  5. Its because you blame all your problems on others.

  6. Typical commucrat, just has yo push the blame off. Play that race card. Keep dividing america. Did ya ever think it might be your communist agenda.

  7. That's no secret, it is what it is

  8. No, Ms. legs in the air, you suck as a candidate as many of your colleagues also suck. But keep blaming everything and everyone for your problems, that will work...

  9. How about the fact that you're a race-baiting slut!

  10. Another delusional democrat.

  11. Holy shit it's killery all over again.

  12. That's not the reason, haha!

  13. And this is why she will ALWAYS be a victim...

  14. but willie told her she was the best!

  15. Guess you get to certain level and there is no one left to sleep with to get any higher

  16. WTF

    I THOUGHT IT was because Harris is a TRANSGENDER

  17. Wow she's throwing both cards out of the deck
    Nice try whore


  18. If you were an Iowa SocialistDemocrat, how impressed would you be that Harris, descendant of a slave owning Jamaican family father and an Indian subcontinent mother, and who was primarily raised in Canada, is on record stating "I'm moving to f*****g Iowa until this is over"? Probably not much. And that's before any discussion of her crackpot policy plans. Or her disgusting way of advancing her career in California.

    Doesn't matter what shade she is; she's toast.

  19. Sleeping with a married man for a promotion doesn't look good on a resume'.

  20. SUCKS when there isn't any more affirmative action program running for president. Obama got the only one. We ALL know how that turned out.

  21. And a blithering idiot.

  22. I thought she was Spanish - I guess that is a women of color. So am I - it just happens I am pale white with freckles - Irish/Welch.

  23. Typical Democrat, when ALL ELSE fails, play the race card.

  24. SHE is a RACIST enemy of America !!! Get her OUT


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