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Thursday, November 14, 2019

Iowa man pleads guilty to planning to bomb White House and kill Trump

An Iowa man pleaded guilty to creating detailed plans to bomb the White House in an attempt to kill President Trump.

Christian Delatorre, 25, admitted in a federal court that he planned to make homemade bombs and detonate them inside the White House. Delatorre was convicted of willfully threatening to take the life of and inflict serious bodily harm on the president of the United States.

The Secret Service found that Delatorre had planned to use drones to detonate bombs around the perimeter of the White House to distract authorities so he could get near Trump. He admitted that he had considered a “suicide” attack on the president. Authorities found evidence that Deletorre had been studying floor plans of the White House in preparation of his attack.



  1. And as usual he is a registered Democrat! Everyone of the bombers, school shooters, and mass murderers has been a Democrat, time we outlawed them instead of my AR.

  2. When will his face be on a t-shirt?

  3. @158pm But you're a mean, sexist, racist bigot! (did i leave anything out?)

    At least that's what Dems would say if you dared to disagree with them! because everything is your fault, not theirs!

  4. He should probably make active practice runs at his own home first.

  5. Northwest Woodsman: Another example of a deranged individual telegraphing his intentions. The nurse who stepped forward and alerted authorities should be amply rewarded for her service. Had someone done likewise regarding the latest school shooting as well as all the others, we could probably eliminate most, if not all these events. That is, of course, if the authorities would actually take notice and act upon it.


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