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Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How This Bill Could Free Workers From Forced Union Representation

Imagine that a charge was brought against you and you had to appear in court. Now, imagine that instead of having the choices of representing yourself, hiring an attorney of your choice, or being represented by a public defender, you were required to use an appointed public defender.

And now, imagine that the public defender assigned to you had polar-opposite political views than yours and that your voting and opinions were fully disclosed to that public defender.

That’s the case today for employees in unionized workplaces.

Even if the workers have the option not to join the union (because they live in a right-to-work state or are a public employee), they nevertheless cannot be represented by anyone other than the union—including by themselves—in employee-employer relations. And their choice not to join the union is well-known to the union that is supposed to represent them.

The Worker’s Choice Act—introduced by Republican Reps. Dusty Johnson of South Dakota, Greg Murphy of North Carolina, and Phil Roe of Tennessee—would change that by ending unions’ government-granted monopoly over employee-employer negotiations, otherwise known as exclusive representation.

More here


  1. Only a fool would reject a pension plan from their employer

  2. Union busting 101, remove the power of the group, reduce to individual power. Result: no power in negotiations for wages or conditions by employees.

  3. Too late. Look around?? What do we need unions for?? The corrupt SOB's have already sold their members out. Especially in Delaware. No GM. No Chrysler. NOTHING. They just indicted 2 UAW reps.

  4. Right to work simply means the right to allow your employer to lower your wages, and reduce or eliminate your benefits, and to make it YOU vs them where you have no bargaining power.

  5. The only thing a Union does these days is protect the BUMS. The one's that can't do the job. The one's that always cause other's to work harder. Never come to work in time if they show up at all. ALWAYS pushing the rules to the limits. Then when management has had enough. Here comes the union to save the POS THEIR JOB. When there's 100's willing to do the job. Look around at EVERY union shop. ONLY THE BUMS SURVIVE. THAT'S WHY THE UNIONS ARE FOLDING. Remember when we bought a car and it was a POS. What would the Union guys tell you?? THAT MUST HAVE BEEN A MONDAY CAR. HAHAHA. NOT LAUGHING NOW ARE YOU??

    1. I'm not laughing, but I smile every time a direct deposit is made to my bank account from my Union pension plan. It pays to be Union, don't believe the propaganda these anti-Union scum are spewing. Unless you sucked your way up the ladder with some big corporation, you are not making a living wage and find it impossible to save for retirement. Unions are the working man and womens only way out of poverty.


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