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Friday, November 15, 2019

House Ethics Committee examining alleged Rep. Rashida Tlaib campaign finance irregularities

The House Ethics Committee said it is gathering facts in a review of potential campaign finance violations by Michigan Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib.

Federal Election Commission filings show that after Tlaib's election in 2018, to her first term, she paid herself a total of $17,500 from her campaign chest. Although congressional candidates can pay themselves during their election cycle, they are restricted from drawing a salary after they are elected.

In a statement Thursday, the ethics committee's members said the review is not the same as an investigation of Tlaib, 43, who represents a Detroit district.



  1. Trump pisses me off sometimes because he NEEDS to instruct the FBI to investigate her and knock on her door at 4 am and ARREST HER...... GET IT DONE

  2. Congressional censure and a fine are the most she'll get.


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