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Monday, November 04, 2019

House Democrats Were Always Going To Impeach President Trump

In a strictly partisan vote on Thursday, Democrats approved a resolution in favor of the ongoing anti-Trump investigation masquerading as an impeachment inquiry. Not a single Republican voted for the measure, and two Democrats joined GOP lawmakers in voting against it.

Many Democrats used the occasion to declare how seriously they take their constitutional duty to hold President Trump accountable. Rep. Adam Schiff, chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, said, “This is a solemn day in the history of our country.” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the impeachment inquiry was a “sad” and “prayerful” process. Ahead of the vote, she declared the resolution was “about the truth, and what is at stake in all of this is nothing less than our democracy.”

Listening to this mawkish stuff, you’d think the Democrats, against their better instincts and in sorrowful duty to their sacred oaths, have finally been pushed to act for the sake of the republic. “Nobody comes to Congress to impeach a president of the United State,” said Pelosi. “No one.”



  1. Democrooks do not care about the American citizen, only power

  2. They can't help themselves. If they can't get along and work with Trump then they will never get along with anyone. It's imperative that we realize how destructive the Dems really are. They can no longer be in power for the country to survive.

  3. Those letters of impeachment will land in the Senate circular file when no words are found printed on them.


  4. They are Only going to IMPEACH >> THEMSELVES !!!

    Keep up the good work ...... Bring it !!!!

  5. Democrats constitutional duty - fast and furious, hillarys emails, Benghazi, tea party irs scandal, and the list goes on and on! You can wipe your butt with democrats words.

    I believe it is past time to fight like the democrats do - the means justifies the end - period. We need to fight by thier rules. If we do we will always win and eventually the democratic party will no longer exist.

  6. Langley writes the script and I agree with the premise of the Title: Dems were going to impeach

    Of course they were. That is how the script is written. It is quite an interesting drama until one realizes it is all fake as the day is long. Then it becomes generally boring.

    Mr Tump will get his customary 8 years to play the role of POTUS.
    He will continue to do tremendous damage to the environment as instructed.
    The weather collapse will be ignored.
    Mexico will not pay for the wall.
    Hillary will not go to prison.
    So on, and on, and on

    Meanwhile, Michael Robinson will get prepared to pretend to serve as the next POTUS - the first ever woman POTUS. Again, more pretending. Michael has pretended to be a woman for a long time. Sad really. Not that Michael believes he is a woman, he doesn't. Sad that Americans are so stupid.

    How did that happen?


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