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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!

What are you thankful for today? 


  1. So many things...family, friends, health, feeling safe, my faith and trust in God, and most of all FREEDOM in the wonderful United States of America!

  2. That we live in the greatest country in the world!

  3. The blessing our good lord has bestowed to us. GOD bless all

  4. Despite a few "flaws",to be living on the Eastern shore.

  5. My Son's Health And Mind ! Home for the Holiday !! VERY BLESSED !

  6. I'm with 7:31 well said.

  7. We live in the greatest country in the world with the greatest President ever

  8. Thankful that not everyone is willing and stupid enough to buy into the democratic left wing insanity.

  9. The freedom to worship, travel, work and support and vote for whomever I choose at the ballot box.

  10. Thank U Joe for keep on keepin on. The sole leader with providing news and information to the Delmarva region. We r so grateful and thankful for what u have and continue to provide our community. Many should take a lesson.

    Officially 1 day until TGIF, but who is counting this week? REALLY??

    Happy and safe Thanksgiving to all, now I must pardon myself, find my bourbon and get this party started!!!!! My Endless Summer of 2019 ain't over yet! WOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!

  11. I am thankful to be alive after serving my country, seeing my children prosper and grow up, and to live a quiet life. Best wishes and kind regards to all.



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