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Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Genetic test aims to predict an embryo’s intelligence and health

A new genetic test straight out of a dystopian sci-fi film aims to let hopeful parents pick smarter, taller, and healthier babies.

Laurent Tellier, the founder of New Jersey startup Genomic Predictions, used the 1997 movie “Gattaca” as inspiration for a DNA screening method that scores embryos with risk estimates for diabetes, heart disease, and other illnesses – and gives a report card on their predicted height and intelligence.



  1. Risk estimates? Only shows us how GODS power is awesome.

  2. This is very very scary!
    Like the movie Gattica, discrimination will be based on IQ and possible genetic problems in the future!

    Designer babies will be on the horizon!

    Nothing good will come of this!

  3. so what are we going to do with this info...kill and throw these babies away??? this whole 'playing God' thing MUST STOP NOW!!!

  4. Look on the bright side: less libtards.

  5. Why not have healthier and smarter beings ? We have been ruled by a bunch of inbred elites for too long. We have used science and technology to extend and burden our societal resources on persons that should long be dead that make no contribution. Why not make ourselves more in God's image it's not like we have been responsible guardians of his creation ? We are going to need to be stronger and smarter to set things right.

  6. At least our Soylent Green will be healthier for humans to eat.

  7. Is there a test for common sense and kindness?


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