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Friday, November 22, 2019

Fiona Hill: Obama Denied Weapons to Ukraine for ‘Political’ Reasons

Former National Security Council official Dr. Fiona Hill testified on Thursday that President Barack Obama had ignored the “interagency consensus” on sending weapons to Ukraine for “political” reasons.

Under questioning from Republicans, Hill admitted that she herself had been against giving weapons to Ukraine to help it fight Russian invasion, and that she had written an op-ed in the Washington Post expressing those views.

She also said that the “interagency consensus” had actually been in favor of arming the Ukrainians; she herself was not in government service at the time, but working at the liberal Brookings Institution think tank.



  1. President Osama only favored Muslims.

    1. You mean barack hussein obama ???

    2. You mean barack hussein obama ???

  2. Hill is a complete part time feminist British born Harvard nightmare. She is the reason why trump got elected. Silent majority are sick and tired of the elite educators thinking they no best. Her testimony was dreadful. She hates everything about Our President his wealth, style, and having a younger super model wife. Even thou our President is doing good and helping people that doesn’t matter to these bureaucrats.

  3. Proof of another Schifty Schiff plant against Trump.

  4. The author meant,”Obama’s bosses denied weapons . . .”

    Barry, The Donald, Dubya’, so on . . . Don’t make decisions. They read the script written for them in Langley


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