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Saturday, November 16, 2019

Federal Appeals Court Rules Ban on Pre-Game Prayer Violates Free Speech

A federal court has partially reversed a lower court’s decision to prohibit prayers being broadcast on loudspeakers ahead of Christian schools’ sporting events, ruling that the ban violated free speech and free exercise rights.

The Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA) rule prohibited prayer at the Citrus Bowl prior to a state championship game between two Christian schools.

In Wednesday’s decision, the U.S. Court of Appeals Eleventh Circuit ruled that Cambridge Christian School’s argument has merit and litigation could continue, a press release from the First Liberty Institute, which is representing the school, said.

“No one should be shocked that two Christian schools would want to start their game with a prayer over the loudspeaker before kickoff, Jeremy Dys, special counsel for litigation and communication for First Liberty told Breitbart News. “The FHSAA’s categorical ban on prayer is the type of hostility toward religion the First Amendment forbids.”



  1. If it was Muslim prayers and you couldn't have said a word. Since it's Christianity, we had to have a court decide...

  2. !!!!!! AMEN !!!!!!!

  3. Nol Kidre would be allowed.

    Try that.


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