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Wednesday, November 27, 2019

FBI Admits Failing to Defend US Research From Chinese Program

A senior FBI official admitted that the agency should have done more to prevent the recruitment of American researchers by Beijing, which used them to exploit U.S. scientific research, National Review reported.

"With our present-day knowledge of the threat from Chinese plans, we wish we had taken more rapid and comprehensive action in the past," FBI assistant director of the counterintelligence division John Brown told a Senate subcommittee on Tuesday. "The time to make up for that is now."

Brown was responding to a bipartisan Senate report released earlier this week that details a plan by Beijing to offer compensation to American-based researchers that resulted in the massive illegal transfer of intellectual property to China.

"These failures continue to undermine the integrity of the American research enterprise and endanger our national security," the report said.

Brown said that the FBI did not realize the significance of the program when China launched it in 2008.



  1. I personally think they 'looked the other way' at the behest of somebody protecting the universities who are making gazillions of dollars in full tuition and fees from these "students".

    There are still LOTS of Chinese students here, and they aren't art majors.

  2. China is the problem not Russia, they own the Democrat party

  3. They were too busy covering up Obama's and Clinton's errors and sabotaging Trump.


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