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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Enough Calm, Where’s the Storm?

For the past several years, most of us who have been following the seditious Deep State activities against President Trump and many of his close associates have been eagerly awaiting a reckoning. A presidential campaign, then administration, was spied upon by the previous administration, using fabricated domestic and foreign intelligence, with the willing assistance of the mainstream media.

President Trump has been accused of being a Russian agent, a Putin stooge, and a traitor by high level executives of ex-President Obama’s justice and intelligence agencies. A two-year $30 million special counsel investigation, that we were told would unearth “mountains of evidence” of Trump-Russia collusion, was a big dud, exonerating the president of his supposed treason.

Meanwhile these accusations and investigations have ruined the reputations and finances of many Trump associates. Now it’s on to so-called “impeachment inquiry” hearings, attempting to remove a duly elected president based on third-hand hearsay and disagreement with foreign policy approaches that are totally under the purview of the president, not the unelected administrative State Department apparatchiks.



  1. Get George Soros out of our Politics and elections and wait until the Republicans have landslide victories in the next election and take over all branches of US Government

  2. The special council wasn't a dud, the money recovered more than paid for the expenses and we have many people convicted and in jail.

  3. Waiting for statue of limitations?

    1. Oh it was a dud alright, your goal was not reached and trump is still president. All fake accusations he will remain president instill 2024 and his last 4 years the Democratic communist party will pay Bigly, as trump says. The house will be lost and he is coming after the democrooks and now they will pay dearly

  4. It is time to issue FISA warrants, then stick those traitors in Federal Supermax or Gitmo.

  5. If you're looking for the storm then you have to stop adding an addendum to your stances that state "I don't advocate political violence". If you are too scared to be made uncomfortable in your life then you need not expect others to rise up for your cause. You aren't going to have corruption remove itself by asking nicely nor are you going to have subversive forces back down from anything less than a demonstration of force.


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