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Friday, November 01, 2019

End the Failed Renewable Fuel Standard Experiment

It's time for the annual Congressional fight over the Renewable Fuel Standard, or RFS. In one corner sit corn farmers and their representatives, who fight tenaciously not just to preserve the RFS but to expand it. In the other sits, well, just about everyone else. Whether you are a refiner, a consumer, an environmentalist, a free market economist or just someone who cares about good government, there is ample reason to oppose the ethanol mandate.

Since 2005, the federal government has required that refineries blend increasing amounts of ethanol (grain alcohol) with gasoline. There are requirements for cellulosic, biodiesel and advanced biofuels, with the rest of the mandate typically being met by corn ethanol since it is the cheapest.

The stated goals of the RFS were to reduce reliance on foreign energy and to move toward cleaner fuel sources. It falls short on both fronts.



  1. This mandate to put ethanol in gasoline is actual a net loss in product.

  2. It destroys small engines and marine engines

  3. It has cost industry and consumers billions in wasted dollars.

    5:25, Yes, and a net gain in pollution as you have to burn more fuel.


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