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Monday, November 18, 2019

Elizabeth Redding Sentenced For Distribution Of Fentanyl and Violating Probation


  1. Replies
    1. What she is not distribution. Police over charge people everyday, then court comes and the one arrested has to prove not guilty. This is one reason why police are disliked

  2. Wow people agree with this sentence. Horrible. I wonder what these police and judges will have to say on the day of judgement. You locked a person in a cage for 10 years becuase someone else willingly ingested an unknown substance. You admittedly and happily ruined this woman's life and many others lives. If i started arresting and locking people in cages for smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol id be charged with kidnapping and false imprisonment.

    How has society not awakened when it comes to this war on drugs. Sad. The majority of the world even many parts of this country are not like this. East coast is the worst when it comes to the war on drugs and growing lack of self responsibility.

  3. Northwest Woodsman: The way the author of this announcement structured the first sentence, it appears she was distributing fentanyl in the Worcester County Circuit Court. Should read convicted of distribution “by” the WCCC. As written it makes it appear that officers of the court are partaking.

  4. I dont understand why shes charged with distributing it. Doesn't sound like shes dealer. Shes a addict.

  5. She went looking for it, afterwards she distributed it. Simple as that. The judge didn't ruin this girl's life; she did with her own poor decisions.

  6. @8:32 Agree with the sentence? Hell no. Anyone that distributes Fentanyl should face public execution. My personal preference would be one randomly selected from the Qurans brand but it is a Christian majority country so there brands are certainly acceptable. I'd opt for the Catholic style as they tend to be more painful. That is what people like this deserve for the endless pain they inflict on families.


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