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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Do You Remember?


  1. The only thing missing there is the over-sized brown-glass ash tray.

  2. It was pretty amazing in it's day. You could stack up records. They would play and drop and the next would come on. I loved when Mr. Twilley would come in his green and white Dodge van and take the thin masonite drilled holed vented back off of the unit and expose the mercury TUBES glowing or not like encapsulated candles. We watched Walter and the Kennedy and Nixon debates the assassinations the Moon Landings took it for granted then just as I do streaming video and facetime and skype now.

  3. Where everyone gathered in the evening to watch TV. The whole family.

  4. It was the "entertainment center" of that era.

  5. Don't forget the "remote control". Whichever child was in the room told to change the channel.... instant remote control!!

  6. It was also burglar proof. Good luck trying to move that heavy SOB. You used to have TV repairmen come to your home to change a tube.


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