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Thursday, November 21, 2019

‘Did I Make You Proud?’ Biden Camp Blasts Out Post-Debate Fundraising Email…Several Hours Before Debate Begins

Joe Biden’s staff blasted out a post-debate email begging for money and asking for feedback on his debate performance….several hours before the debate began Wednesday.

The subject line of the email, which was blasted out seven hours before the debate was scheduled to kick off read, “Did I make you proud?”

“I’m leaving the fifth Democratic debate now,” the email said. “I hope I made you proud out there, and I hope I made it clear to the world why our campaign is so important.”



  1. He's actually left the planet.

  2. He either has a lower form of dementia or full blown Alzheimers the Dem party need to take him off the ballot for President would you want someone this far off the planet looking after our Country, being our President, in control of our military really?

  3. That wasn't a debate, just like the impeachment debacle isn't an investigation .

  4. Make us proud? No, you make us wonder.

  5. It was actually an email sent from the last debate that went through Hillary's email server and just got back from the Ukraine.

  6. Deplorable...rise up! Let’s take back the house, maintain the Senate, and win 2020.

    1. 730

      Does that mean I have to get off my couch , turn off my TV and vote ?

      I am much happier sitting down, drinking beer and watching football
      than care what politicians do


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