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Thursday, November 14, 2019

**DEAD SILENCE!** – Rep. John Ratcliffe STUMPS SCHIFF’S TOP WITNESSES — They Can’t Name a Crime Trump Committed!! (VIDEO)

Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) tore into Adam Schiff’s top witnesses today.

Rep. Ratcliffe, a former US Attorney from Texas, destroyed the Democrats’ star witnesses.
At one point Ratcliffe asked Ambassador and George Kent to name the crime that President Trump committed on his call with President Zelensky?
Rep Ratcliffe: So in this impeachment hearing today where we impeach presidents for treason or bribery or other high crimes, where is the impeachable offense in that call? Are either of you here today to assert there was an impeachable offense in that call?



  1. Their underoath. Not going to lie.

  2. Trying remove and criminal charge a President also their boss and can’t say why. They should be suspended with pay (unless a felony is established) until a AG does an investigation into them. Same a Leo. Kent and Taylor have been in power position so long with out oversight they have become corrupt. Or maybe thats why they got the post? Obama team player. Biden fan boys. Or Putin ?

  3. Talk about the "crickets" in the room.

  4. LOLOLOL!!! They can't even respond with flowery bullsh*t to that one. Great job Rep Ratcliffe!

  5. LOL LOL > CASE OVER ( Kangaroo court case ) !!!!

  6. Worthless case >> ALL Illegal & would be Thrown the Hell
    OUT of ANY Real COURT !!!

    Stop waisting my time & tieing up my TV channels !!!!

  7. Make these damn Demon-crat bastards PAY back the

    Taxpayers for ALL the money they have blew on these
    Witch-Hunts & cost of Illegals in America !!!!

    Bet they would Never do it again if they had to Pay for it !!!

  8. Trump did NO crimes & that's WHY he will WIN in 2020 !!!!

  9. Need a 4th Branch of Govt called " Oversight Dept " to

    keep ALL the crooked Govt in check !!! With Hire/Fire pwr

    investigative pwr / much needed in our time in America !!

    1. Absolutely not, the government is too big now

  10. Congress should ONLY be allowed to make laws Period !!!

    No Investigations
    No Court sessions
    No Oversight
    No Secret meetings

    2 term limits for ALL & way to Fire immediatley any member

  11. This country headed towards Communism if these damn
    Demon-crats are not thrown OUT !!!

    Your Worse enemy is Here in America Not Russia or China !


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