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Monday, November 11, 2019

College kids’ hard left turn means trouble ahead for America

If college kids’ political views are a clue to the nation’s future, America is headed over a left-wing cliff.

Consider: A recent Chegg/College Pulse poll found 69% of students say they’d vote for a Democrat in 2020, while just 23% back President Trump. Yet for voters of all ages, recent RealClearPolitics poll averages put the president within 7 points of the top Dems (Joe Biden, Liz Warren and Bernie Sanders).

Among kids who lean Democrat, Chegg found, more than half back Sanders (28%) or Warren (30%) — the two left-most wannabes.

Sanders is also the top choice among Democrat and independent undergrads, with 22%, in a McLaughlin poll for Yale’s William F. Buckley Jr. Program. That survey highlighted other eye-opening trends: College kids back the Green New Deal 2-1, and two-thirds want Medicare for All.

And get this: The Yale study says 32% of college kids believe it’s sometimes OK to “shout down” campus speakers, and 31% are actually OK using “physical violence” to stamp out “hate speech” or “racially charged language.”

The dangers there are obvious: Who decides what speech deserves to be silenced, even perhaps with violence? And what kind of society are we headed for when that kind of thinking becomes so prevalent?

There’s more:


  1. This attitude begins in Public Schools (yes even in Wicomico County) and is nurtured as they are being Dumbed Down and Indoctrinated...wake up idiots.

  2. This is why there Will be another civil war.

  3. If the left is smart they will leave the 2nd amendment alone. They are doing it through brainwashing, and it's working. Once these brainwashed start to run this country, there won't be enough people on the sane side to fight them. Then the USA will become a broken slum with the elite on top, right where they where they have always been.


  4. 10:00AM is right-- and any 'civil war' won't do much to change anything as long as the leftist teachers unions and other 'progressives' remain in full control of the 'education' of our children. It has become indoctrination on every level, and it seems to have been quite successful considering what we see and hear these days.

    You want to fight for freedom? Start there. It will be quite a battle, but it would be a lot more effective in the end.

  5. That has been the lefts game plan for as long as I can remember.

  6. They start brainwashing in elementary, middle, & high school (wash rinse & repeat). Next send them to college with overpaid bullsh*t spewing liberal jack-asses teaching them to gain a worthless expensive degree. They will be ill-prepared for a job, but it won't matter when the lefties kill jobs anyhow. Then dangle socialism in front of them as a reprieve for hope in wiping away those debts from their student loans & getting "free stuff". They are so distracted with "social justice" & social media that they will be happy to for the likes of Pocahantas & Old Bernie.

    You can criticize this generation, or you can help them to see the truth. The only way to stop this is to teach your children and be the influence they need to see. Those of you with kids please try for their sake and ours! There is still hope but it lies with the individual people. The system is obviously rigged !

  7. If you’re not a liberal at 18 you’re heartless, If you’re not a conservative by 30 you’re brainless.

  8. I'll be dead before any real change happens, and they can reap what they sow.

  9. These young little morons are sealing their own fate.


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