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Monday, November 11, 2019

CNN Truth Warrior Brian Stelter Courageously Spell-Checks Trump’s Twitter Feed

CNN chief media correspondent Brian Stelter has demonstrated yet again why he is perhaps the most indispensable name in cable news. The host of Reliable Sources recently went above and beyond the call of duty in his quest to speak truth to power by performing a thorough spellcheck of President Donald Trump's tweets.

"Everybody makes spelling mistakes," Stelter said in opening the five-minute segment devoted entirely to Trump's typos. "I do, everybody does. But on Twitter, Donald Trump makes a lot more of them than most people."

Stelter explained that the president's spelling mistakes were especially relevant because "he's been ridiculed for it by late-night comics."

The presidential typos, however, are no laughing matter. "It's actually not that funny," Stelter analyzed. "I know English teachers are horrified by the president's poor form. Lots of other people are embarrassed by it too."

More here


  1. I think he was that kid I always gave a 'wedgie' in school.

  2. I’m glad he isn’t wasting his time reporting stupid stuff like low unemployment, millions off welfare, wage increases, better veterans care, etc, etc, etc



  3. More plain-as-day evidence of what CNN is all about.

    How childish and petty can you get.

  4. Spell check is literally included on every electronic device. It takes no effort.

    I think this is more "plain-as-day" evidence of what we are really working with.

  5. 3:26 maybe he should consult Hillary and her aids to show him how to use electronic devices, as they seem to know their way around them.

  6. Maybe he should go to his safe space.


  7. Hard hitting and incisive investigatory journalism of this sort should make him a lock for a Pulitzer, and a tenured deanship at a journalism school!

    Above is /sarc.


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