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Thursday, November 14, 2019

Berlin: Abuse Leads To Changes For Berlin’s Bulk Pickup Days

BERLIN – Abuse of the town’s bulk trash pickup service has prompted officials to reevaluate Berlin’s existing policy.

On Monday, the Berlin Town Council reviewed proposed changes to the town’s solid waste and special collection policies. While the changes to the solid waste section were insignificant, the proposed alterations to the town’s special waste collection policy require residents to pay if they put more than three items out during bulk pickup. Officials said the change was being proposed because people were taking advantage of the town’s bulk pickup service, which is offered twice a year.

“It’s grown so much in such a short time it can’t be that suddenly everything’s wearing out in all these homes in Berlin,” Mayor Gee Williams said. “I think we’ve become a dumping ground.”

Town Administrator Jeff Fleetwood said that in 2018, the town spent $9,500 collecting and disposing of 22.4 tons of items through bulk pickup. In 2019, the town as of Tuesday had collected 38 tons of items at a cost of $18,584. Fleetwood pointed out that figure would go up because there was still one day of bulk pickup set for Wednesday. He showed elected officials photos of the array of items set out for pickup.



  1. Poor people in Berlin better move now. You have no other choice. It will not get any better.

  2. Better completely do away with the program. They can take it to the central landfill and pay a fee of about $20 for 2 or 3 pieces of furniture. Be better than the overage fees of Berlin. And there is some over thinking here. Just don't pick it up, and if it's still out there two days later, fine the address $25 dollars a day until it's removed. That'll learn em'

  3. What the fornicate do we pay taxes for?? Pick up all stuff all the time 1 or 2 times does not cut it..

  4. Abuse it and lose it.

  5. Worcester county tipping fees range from $70 to $80 per ton. 32 tons at the most in tipping fees would be $2,556.00. I am sure the town is going to say labor and other expenses makes up the cost $18,584. However, the town has already allocated the time for the employees and equipment to pick up the items anyway as part of their bulk pickup program.

  6. Berlin is on its way to becoming a salisbury spin-off!! These idiots in Annapolis have finally gotten a stranglehold on the Eastern shore thanks to Jake Day and gee Williams. The area is dependant on Annapolis money and sit back and watch all the affordable housing popping up everywhere for "their" illegal immigration policies. It's ALL federally and state subsidized. Salisbury is already too far gone with the amount of rental to home ownership ratio so all of you Berlin residents keep pushing back. It's sad to think what all this beautiful waterfront land will look like in another ten years


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