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Tuesday, November 26, 2019


Visiting Assateague Island National Seashore is going to cost most in 2020, as the National Park Service (NPS) increases park entrance fees.

Beginning January 1, it will be $25 per car instead of $20 per car for a seven-day pass, or $15 per person when entering in a commercial vehicle. An annual pass will go from $40 to $45.

NPS says the $5 increase is happening “to align with standardized rates being implemented nationwide for similar national park areas,” and the additional funds will go towards infrastructure and maintenance to “enhance the visitor experience.” It’s the second rate increase since 2015.

Feee increases will take effect at all of the national parks that currently charge entrance fees. (112 national parks charge a fee; the other 307 will remain free to enter.)

Assateague Island National Seashore breaks down the fee change in the table below:



  1. I remember in the 80's it was $2. In another 10 years, the average person will not be able to afford to enter most national parks. A few years the NPS wanted to raise entrance fees to $75 for most parks. Beyond ridiculous.

  2. Now the NPS wants to keep out the riff raff that normally housed themselves under the OC pier. Many moved to Assateague to avoid Rickie's parking hikes. Its now become a game of ping pong and this summer should be fun.

    1. they take EBT cards 520

      ain't dat right ?

  3. what about the price of senior tickets.?

  4. glad I bought my lifetime pass when i did! please raise it to $1000 keep the riff raff out!

  5. Wow, riff-raff asking the park to keep out riff-raff. Ironic, don't ya think?

  6. $15 to enter Assateague is ASSININE!!

  7. Unknown said...
    Wow, riff-raff asking the park to keep out riff-raff. Ironic, don't ya think?

    November 26, 2019 at 8:53 PM

    I bet you are riff-raff yourself, Ironic, don't ya think!

  8. Wow looks like all the administration employees will be getting another pay increase
    Typical government take all the land then surround it with fences walls and gates then charge out the wahoo for the people to come in to visit and see
    Thought the land was supposed to be for the people
    Rip off

  9. been going to assateague since 1980, my how things have changed. nothing but pa jersey ny dc balti de scumbags littering and trashing what was once a pristine place! put a toll gate at beginning of verazano and charge all those idiots who wander down there to choke up the roads and gawk at a horse! where the hell else in america does one think it's ok to stop in the middle of the road and block traffic? every time I go to pa I drive 20 mph and hold back traffic just to give the fools a taste of what we have to deal with from them!
    raise the toll to hundreds of dollars!

  10. That lifetime senior pass I bought for $10.00 is sure paying off now.

  11. November 27, 2019 at 7:41 AM:

    You're an ass. You don't own teh park or the roads. Just because you've being going there since 1980 doesn't give you any special rights. It is a National Park, for all people. And you claim to be an ass to all the other visitors, just because you can. You complain about then holding you up, and then drive 20 MPH to hold them up. How freaking stupid and rude are you? Whoops, I just looked at your grammar. I got the answer to the stupid part.

  12. Our tax money is used to keep that place in shape and then when we go there, they charge us to use it. Paying double. That's government for you.


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