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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

American Psychological Association now requires authors to use singular ‘they’

The American Psychological Association is helping make grammar fluid to accommodate current gender fluidity trends, and a statement from a Modern Language Association of America spokesperson indicated the group may soon follow suit.

The APA recently announced scholars in some cases must use “they” as a singular pronoun to refer to individuals who identify as non-binary.

In a recent post, Chelsea Lee, content development manager for APA style, explained the change.

“When readers see a gendered pronoun, they make assumptions about the gender of the person being described,” Lee wrote. “APA advocates for the singular ‘they’ because it is inclusive of all people and helps writers avoid making assumptions about gender.”

According to Lee, “Writers should use the singular ‘they’ in two main cases: (a) when referring to a generic person whose gender is unknown or irrelevant to the context and (b) when referring to a specific, known person who uses ‘they’ as their pronoun.”

More here


  1. I don't have to make a decision about their gender. It's either x or y...

  2. They should use "it" instead of "they"

  3. So when they dont get paid just say I sent it to them

  4. We in America really have it good if this is what bothers people. I wonder what people in other countries who are starving, denied basic human rights must think when they read that pronouns are a serious problem in America.

  5. Anonymous said...
    We in America really have it good if this is what bothers people. I wonder what people in other countries who are starving, denied basic human rights must think when they read that pronouns are a serious problem in America.

    November 19, 2019 at 4:31 PM

    You are part of the problem! Keep defending these mentally deranged HOMO's!

  6. I'm sure that everyone will be pleased to know that the next time you visit Colonial Williamsburg is now focusing their history on Homosexuals, LBGQT's. They are obviously trying to revise history so now you can expect to see men kissing men and transvestites and drag queens walking the streets. They've been losing money and the new leadership thinks revising history will bring more people to adore the Homo lifestyle. This is sic, this is very sick! This is worthy of a post.


    Colonial Williamsburg
    Yesterday at 1:28 PM ·

    As we continue to research the people, place, and time period we interpret, we’re proud of our colleagues who, through source-driven research, are uncovering a complete history of the 18th-century community who walked these streets.

    Read this weekend’s piece in The Washington Post and consider how our understanding of the American story can continue to evolve:


    ‘Like chasing shadows’: Uncovering Colonial Williamsburg’s LGBTQ history

    The foundation’s efforts are part of a growing effort across the country to include LGBTQ history in educational settings. At least five states, including Maryland earlier this year, have taken steps to require public schools to teach lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender history. About five years ago, the National Park Service also launched a project exploring and preserving the legacy of LGBTQ people.

  7. I refer to transgenders as "It" or "That".

  8. I will never be traveling to Williamsburg any longer. That is the last thing that I want to hear about, queers inventing new history to make themselves relevant. Thanks for the tip.

  9. The new director of Colonial Williamsburg has got to be a homo. I will never ever spend a dollar at that $hithole again.


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