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Wednesday, November 27, 2019

'Already received subpoenas': Trump mocks impeachment while pardoning turkeys

President Trump cracked a joke about the impeachment effort against him during the annual White House pardoning of a Thanksgiving turkey.

Appearing outside the White House on Tuesday alongside two turkeys named Bread and Butter, Trump joked that the fowls had been subpoenaed by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff to appear as witnesses.

“Thankfully, Bread and Butter have been specially raised by the Jacksons to remain calm under any condition, which will be very important, because they’ve already received subpoenas to appear in Adam Schiff’s basement on Thursday,” Trump joked. “It’s true. Hundreds of people have."



  1. I'm thanking God this Thanksgiving for blessing us with President Trump. Thank you Lord.

  2. Troll level: EXPERT

  3. Worthless Witch-hunt supoenas from Kangaroo Court !!!


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