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Thursday, October 31, 2019

Yes, Virginia, There Is A Deep State And It's Feeding The Anti-POTUS Mob

The prepared statement of the latest UkraineGate whistle-blower is well worth the read. It tells you all you need to know about why the Deep State apparatchiks are coming out of the woodwork in a massive assault on America's duly elected president.
  • They are deathly afraid Trump will begin to dismantle a far-flung Empire which has
  • ...wreaked havoc around the world,
  • ...bled America's fiscal accounts dry, and
  • ...fostered unspeakable prosperity among the beltway's legions of empire-supporting agencies, contractors, think tanks, foreign lobbies, NGO's and K-street racketeers.
Whether out of common sense, naiveté or just contrariness, the Donald has dared to question and disrupt the Empire's core policy on the Ukraine/Russia file. And that's apparently exactly why the whistleblower de jour, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, wrote his now ballyhooed memos.

He feared that Trump's appropriate desire to get to the bottom of the well-documented Ukrainian involvement in the Obama Administration's illegal spying on his 2016 presidential campaign would undermine the bipartisan consensus on Capitol Hill for Washington's utterly wrong-headed Ukraine policy.



  1. Back Stab.I hope Trump kicks their ass.


  2. Already becoming clear Vindman was a plant. His twin brother holds the same military rank and was also posted to NSC as a lawyer. Their older brother was also a military officer and now does international business in various parts of Europe, including.....surprise, surprise! How convenient.

    Wore suits to work but wedged himself into dress uniform for the TV lights. Disloyal and subversive. Hope justice will post him to Leavenworth.


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