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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Wrong order leads to customer-manager food fight at McDonald's

A customer said an incorrect order and poor customer service led to a food fight at a McDonald's in Ohio last month.

The manager of the restaurant and the customer ended up in a showdown at the McDonald's restaurant in Colerain Township. The Hamilton County Prosecutor's Office has not filed any charges.

"I wanted to get some Happy Meals and some cheeseburgers and that was a very unhappy day for me," Britany Price said.

Price's injuries remind her of the day of the confrontation any time she looks in the mirror.

It was Sept. 22 when she made a quick stop through the drive-thru of the restaurant. She ended up inside, throwing food she said wasn't right, directly at the manager.



  1. I must be clairvoyant: for some reason, I already had a vision of what she looked like.

  2. I can't say what I am thinking.....lol!!

  3. Looks like they were serving Unhappy meals that day

  4. Victim of the old blender to the kisser tactic; silly all the way around.

  5. Down goes Frazer, down goes Frazer...

  6. Northwest Woodsman: I had the same vision 6:57. Already knew the scenario without reading the article. Unfortunately she will be the recipient of a ghetto lottery because McDonald’s will settle after apologizing profusely and firing the employee.

  7. I recently received small fries instead of large and a large soda instead of a small. Life went on just fine.

  8. I agree with 6:57
    I already knew before looking at the picture and seeing the video!

  9. The Astros should sign that manager up, they might win a game with her pitching.

  10. Two fat black women in McDonalds. One is not happy, the other is the one that didn't make her happy. Did you really think it would end in a peaceful way?

  11. Why am I not surprised as to WHO did it? But I did have a little giggle when she got knocked on her huge azz. These people sure do have attitudes. Fostered by their mommas.


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