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Monday, October 28, 2019

Wounded military dog returns to duty after tracking Islamic State leader

WASHINGTON – The military dog credited in the raid that killed Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has returned to duty after treatment – and presumably treats – after suffering minor wounds in the operation.

Army Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, refused to release the dog's name for security reasons.

"The dog is still in theater," Milley explained to reporters Monday at a Pentagon briefing.

The military's top officer credited the hound's "tremendous service" and said it (gender wasn't released, either) was slightly wounded in the operation to take down the leader of ISIS, the terrorist organization.



  1. What a GOOD boy!!!

  2. God Bless these animals for the lives they
    save and the close companionship they give
    to our Boys in Uniform. Thank God for Them!!!

  3. They ARE a soldier and should be treated with the SAME

    respect as Human soldiers with the same protections !!!!

  4. War dogs should get the SAME Veteran benefits the
    Human soldiers get !

    They ARE an American soldier (and Hero)
    and Police dogs should be treated as an Officer too !!!!

  5. A MEN to the positive e comments ! These animals deserve
    much more respect than they get from our Gov. !!
    They too , suffer from PTSD just as our men that

  6. Too bad a service handler very rarely gets the opportunity to keep these awesome hero's. These animals are the most loyal. Like any dog. They only want to please their Master.

  7. No mistreatment should be tolerated of these Heroes !!!!


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