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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

West Wing Reads 10-22-19

It's a Middle-Class Boom -- How Americans are Really Doing Under Trump Economy

“The median or average-income family has seen a gain of $5,003 since Trump came into office. Median family income is now (August 2019) $65,976,” Steve Moore writes for Fox Business.

“Under George W. Bush, the household income gains were a little over $400 in eight years, and under Barack Obama the gains were $1,043. That was in eight years for each. Under Trump, in less than three years, the extra income is about three times larger.”

Click here to read more.
“House Democrats’ top impeachment inquisitor abruptly changed from repeatedly insisting on the testimony of a whistleblower against President Donald Trump to working to prevent it,” Mollie Hemingway writes in The Federalist. “Democrats have dramatically switched from demanding transparency about the whistleblower complaint to hiding depositions, transcripts, and evidence.”
“The past several weeks in Washington have shown us the worst of the swamp,” Rep. Fred Keller (R-PA) writes for Fox News. “The people in my district, both Republicans and Democrats, have repeatedly told me they are sick and tired of the way this non-transparent inquiry is going and the fact that Congress fails to do anything other than focus on tearing down the duly-elected president.” 
“The United States government identified hundreds of migrants allegedly falsely claiming familial status and numerous other migrant adults attempting to pose as minors,” Jason Hopkins reports for The Daily Caller. U.S. immigration officials in the El Paso, Texas, area have identified 238 such fraudulent families.

1 comment:

  1. Personally I love the meager crumbs scraped onto my plate from Republican presidents claiming their wealth will trickle down rather than being tied up in estates, stocks, wars and technology. But hey, blame it on the poor and the minorities right?!


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