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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

WE MUST KNOW: Was Obama One of 38 Individuals Identified in State Report on Hillary’s Emails? And Will They Disclose This?

Was Obama one of the individuals who violated government email regulations identified by the State Department and if not, why not?

We reported on October 18th that the State Department completed an internal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server system and cited 38 people for violations, and some may face disciplinary action.

The Associated Press reported that the State Department determined that 38 people were “culpable” in a whopping 91 cases of sending classified material in emails that ended up on Hillary Clinton’s private server.



  1. Who are you kidding the rich and famous and Political Democrat connected never get any punishment. Look at History only the Republicans and not so rich are slammed. This is equality in the Democrats eyes not Discrimination.

  2. Obama should hang for treason and the damage he did to this nation

  3. You can bet we have several Republicans involved as well. Like bonehead Ryan and his buddy Romney just to name a few. They are ALL traitors. Can you imagine if this happened back a century ago?! There would be some lynchings.

  4. Disclose it behind a locked door and with no one else around

  5. I can't wait for the Clintons and Obama's to meet cummings. I will celebrate for weeks

  6. They will forever protect our first (and last) black president.


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