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Monday, October 21, 2019

Warren releases plan to overhaul K-12 education

Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Monday released a plan to overhaul U.S. public schools that includes more money for schools in high-poverty areas and an end to federally-funded charter schools and “high stakes” standardized testing.

Ms. Warren would quadruple “Title I” funding for high-poverty schools by providing an additional $450 billion over the next 10 years. She would pay for that and other priorities through her “wealth tax” on assets worth more than $50 billion.

Breaking from the Obama administration’s efforts on charter schools, Ms. Warren would also end federal funding for the expansion of charter schools, ban for-profit charter schools, and direct the IRS to investigate “nonprofit” schools to make sure they’re following the letter of the law.

Ms. Warren would push to prohibit the use of standardized testing as a “primary or significant factor” in closing a school, firing a teacher, or making other “high-stakes” decisions.

She would also work to increase teacher pay, move to cancel student breakfast and lunch debt, and end “zero-tolerance” school discipline policies.



  1. Government indoctrination overhaul!
    Our kids are coming out of the public system more stupid than ever...they only get in to colleges by having money, cheating, or quotas!

    The drivel they are taught is criminal!

  2. I wouldn't let her even teach my enemy


  3. If you read this you will see that Warren is openly advocating to hand total control of our public education to the teachers union. Eliminate any possible alternative (and you can be sure that this will include home schools)

    RedForEd = EdGoesRed.

  4. She's going to create tens of millions of new jobs so as not to sink the 99% with the tax burdens of all of her programs, none of which are sustainable. Witness this woman grasping at straws to make herself relevant.

  5. She's quickly becoming the female version of Adolf Hitler.
    I wonder what the name of her propaganda book will be?

  6. A big payoff to the teacher unions at the expense of the kids educations.

    One of the first things obummer did was end the Charter and Magnet schools in D.C. at the expense of the kids that were trying to learn something.
    The charter and magnet school were routinely embarrassing the over payed public schools.

  7. So she wants to eliminate all education except public education. Love how the dems preach choice, but never practice what they preach. A$$hats!!

  8. warren doesn't have a clue

  9. There cannot be a more ignorant human on this planet


  10. A large chunk of the chaos in schools is Obama era discipline edicts, which she clearly favors if she plans to mandate 'zero-tolerance' policies. She is crazy; needs to step back from the firewater diet.

  11. Northwest Woodsman: Throwing more money is not going to solve the inherent problem of low IQ. It will just result in the continuation of a public day care disguised as a school.

  12. 4:44 I guess people like me who earned their way in, got scholarships and took out loans are imaginary?


  13. This is an unvarnished attempt to gain total control of the education system. You can be sure it will turn into indoctrination camps (which it almost has already.)


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