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Saturday, October 19, 2019

U.S. Diplomat: I Raised Concerns About Hunter Biden's Ukraine Work But Was 'Rebuffed'

Hillary Clinton had a private unauthorized email server from which she did all of her official business as secretary of state. The nation’s top diplomat under Obama was using an unsecured server. She might have mishandled classified information. As the 2016 Democratic nominee for president, that’s a story. For 2020, it’s also a story if there was a conflict of interest between the vice president of the United States and his son serving on the board of an energy company for which he has zero experience in such a field.

The Democrats have tried to use this phone call President Trump had with Volodymyr Zelensky in July as their casus belli to launch an impeachment inquiry. They allege that Trump threatened to withhold aid unless Ukraine opened a corruption probe into Hunter Biden, son of Joe Biden. The White House released a transcript of the call, none of this was mentioned. There was no Tony Soprano shakedown. It’s an even shoddier narrative than the Russian collusion myth.

And yet, as much as the media wants to dig into the palace intrigue of the Trump-Ukraine non-troversy, Joe Biden’s name keeps coming up. Why? Well, there could be something here. why was Hunter on the board of Burisma without having any experience in the energy sector, being paid $50,000/month while his dad was still VP. Sounds like an access point, right? The Biden camp has been abysmal responding to this story, which has only increased scrutiny. Biden’s answer at the most recent debate was garbage as well. Someone on Fox News (it was the radio so I couldn’t get the name) pretty much nailed the campaign’s line: we did nothing wrong, but we’ll never do it again.


1 comment:

  1. OATH KEEPERS for LIFEOctober 20, 2019 at 4:27 AM

    The Bidens should be charged with Treason with Hillary, obama, Schumer, Schiftt..


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