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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

UNCUT: Greta Thunberg's unedited encounter with Rebel News in Edmonton | Keean Bexte


  1. I don’t believe their is anything wrong with her mentally and she will be exposed as a fraud soon enough. Arnold loaned her a 150k car? How does he no her? Doesn’t fly only takes a boat ? Ridiculous

  2. These kind of people are a Security Threat to this great country. This climate garbage is all about $$$$ not climate. Can't Blame the Kids...They are being used by the So Called Adults...Being Brain Washed at such a young age is criminal. To bad this wasn’t done at an earlier date since the AWARDS were given a month ago in Hollywood and she surely would have received one for such a performance THE AWARD FOR AN Outstanding Performance OF FAKE Concern regarding A FAKE CONDITION and Scam GOES TO: She is Soro's Paid Puppet.: Mommy's a musician and actress, daddy's a producer and actor, and both are antifa commies.
    The plot... well, does not thicken, but is becoming much clearer.
    Nazi youth poster child
    You got to love it courtesy of the Democrats and Soro’s $$$$$


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