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Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Two-year-old boy is shot in the stomach in 'cowardly and violent' road

A 2-year-old boy was shot in the stomach in a 'cowardly, violent, act' of road rage after his grandmother reportedly honked her horn at drivers stopped at a green light.

The boy remained in hospital on Monday as the suspected shooter, Javon Johnson, 33, was charged with attempted murder over the incident which happened in Baltimore in the early hours of Saturday morning, ABC News reported.

The toddler had been in a car driven by his grandmother and she had honked her horn at other drivers stopped at a green light. The vehicle had moved around stopped cars and had proceeded to go.



  1. I'm telling you. These people don't deserve ANYTHING. They are the erosion of society. Where ever they go. Whatever they touch turns to crap. This 33 yo POS shooting at a grandmother and child. She dissreppected me YO. FREAKING ANIMALS.

  2. Agree 6:52 AM. Gun control is not going to stop someone like this; if the dolt will shoot at someone for honking a horn what won't he do. Give him the one way ticket to the "mother land" and let him romp with the wildlife there.

  3. Northwest Woodsman: Another example of the joys of diversity. Imagine how dull life would be if there was little or no violence to witness or read about every day. People hike Javon are contributing to not only our entertainment, but also providing employment for judges, law enforcement officers, criminal justice admin personnel and medical professionals of all types. Even the entertainment/news business benefits because most of the productions are related to crime. “Cops , 48 Hours , Southern Justice, etc.” are perfect examples of the benefits derived from diversity and multiculturalism. We would otherwise be watching reruns of Mary Tyler Moore, Mayberry and Green Acres. We need to appreciate people like Javon.

    1. Haha, Northwest Woodsman, you really did change your approach of commenting about the downfall of this country. I appreciate both views which are 100% correct.

    2. A stellar example of a vibrant youth.


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