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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Trump unloads on Chicago’s top cop and his pal 'wise guy' Jussie Smollett

When the drunk-driving Chicago Police Superintendent, Eddie Johnson, announced his decision to boycott the president's speech to the 126th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chiefs of Police because of his "personal values," POTUS made the most of it.

In his first visit to Chicago since taking office, President Trump did what he does best--he punched back twice as hard. In his speech to the IACP, Trump wasted no time in putting the blame for Chicago's out-of-control killings on Johnson's ignorant, incompetent leadership. "He's not doing his job," said Trump. “Since Eddie Johnson has been police chief more than 1,500 people have been murdered in Chicago and 13,067 people have been shot.”

In detail, Trump fired off daily, weekly and yearly murder rates in Chicago.

The President may have assembled his stats from an online source called '"HeyJackass" with the sarcastic tagline "illustrating Chicago values." Don't let the web name fool you. The graphic site has as accurate, up-to-the-minute homicide numbers, shootings, trends,' the ‘deadliest 'hoods' and homicide clearance rates (only 9.5% in 2019!) as any comparable data aggregator.



  1. The conference was a packed house without Eddie, filled with police chiefs who DO share the President's values. Eddie is just another Dem tool in a fool Dem city.


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