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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Trump Rips Mitt Romney During White House Comments — Forever Mitt Will Be Known as for His Treason and Back Stabbing

On Sunday Democrat tool Mitt Romney was featured in a lengthy anti-Trump expose’ in The Atlantic.

During the interview Mitt admitted to having a second secret Twitter account following 668 people.

It didn’t take Slate contributor Ashley Feinberg too long to find the secret account.

“Pierre Delecto”

On Sunday The Gateway Pundit posted a few of the 257 liked tweets in Mitt Romney’s secret account.



  1. Romney a Huge part of the Deep State who has been connected with PEDO's and PEDO rings.

  2. It's not back stabbing to stand against a tyrant with a mob of idiots

  3. It's "treasonous" and "back stabbing" to not agree with the President?

    To point out the poor behavior and decisions of the President is not "treasonous" and "back stabbing"? When your criticisms are true?

    This doesn't sound like America to me... this sounds more like countries we have usually referred to as "the enemy" in the past.

    What is up with this insane partisanship. If you are not with us then you are the enemy to be crushed at all costs and in all ways?

    This is what is destroying America. It has to stop. I voted for Trump... and regret it so much.

  4. 10:04 any proof or just Alex Jones ramblings?

  5. Romney is a true Republican ,...not Trump . I am not saying this because I don't like Trump ( I don't) but look at his policies, NOTHING Republican about them

  6. 10:44 you are falling for the libitards agenda. President Donald Trump is the greatest and best thing to happen to America at this critical time in our Nation and the world. God bless him and keep him strong and healthy.

    1. Spot on, so many people still swallowing the fake news media crap. Time to research and find the real truth!


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