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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Top U.S. States In Gun Sales

Due to a patchwork of state and federal laws, it has always been difficult to put a precise number on U.S. gun sales. But, as Statista's Niall McCarthy notes, a new analysis entitled "Gun Country" from website security.org used information contained in the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System and an industry-accepted formula to estimate the number of gun sales in a given year.

The research found that 972,860 guns were sold in Texas in 2018, making it the state with the highest total.



  1. SO why are they STILL saying Texas is turning BLUE ?Dems don't support the 2 ND Amendment.

  2. I added 3 to the MD total

  3. Think I'll go buy another one. Didn't know it was a competition, challenge accepted.

  4. Let's see...the states with the highest gun sales have the largest populations, and the states with the lowest populations have the lowest gun sales. It proves nothing. The only correlation is that more people equals more gun sales. Duh, so what? That's common sense.


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