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Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The New York Times smears Tulsi Gabbard as an alt-right Russian stooge

Tulsi Gabbard is a progressive, Samoan American woman, and Democratic candidate for president. But apparently we’re supposed to believe she’s also a Russian stooge and alt-right figurehead.

On Oct. 12, the New York Times published an absurd hit piece — as a “news” article, not opinion — lambasting Gabbard and grossly distorting her candidacy. It’s apparent from the incredulous, not objective headline: “What, Exactly, Is Tulsi Gabbard Up To?” and the subhead of the article, which reads: “As she injects chaos into the 2020 Democratic primary by accusing her own party of ‘rigging’ the election, an array of alt-right internet stars, white nationalists and Russians have praised her.”

Woah. We’re not even 100 words in, and the Times is already linking Gabbard, a woman of color, to Nazis and Russia?!?



  1. NYT is a rag and manipulated by radical left wing socialists. Tulsi Gabbard's crime is she outed Kamala Harris and embarrassed her on the national debate stage. The outrage; but wait...Democrats are dirty too. Biden is stupid and corrupt, Bernie is a mad man, Warren lies like a rug, Beto is a goofy "what do ya want to hear" idiot, and sweet Pete is a nothing burger. The rest are so low on the radar they are unmentionable. Honestly, does anyone want any of these yokels as president? Trump can be a jerk but he is making it happen.

  2. She's obviously NOT their preferred candidate: a little too centrist for their liking. And it is also obvious, that under the guidance of George Soros, the NYT, MSM and DNC are all beating the same drum.
    They are scared and are spinning everything to make Trump look bad. Then, he's not helping himself, either.

  3. Tulsi is the only legitimate candidate the Dems have. She may be a raging liberal, but at least she has served and doesn't hate the military. She is the only one who appears not to hate the country as well. Naturally, the DNC will have to destroy her.

  4. This whole debate scam is nothing more than contrived political theater. The criminalcrats proved that the last time around. I don't see how any of them can keep a straight face knowing that the questions can be given to whichever candidate the DNC deems Worthy. I truly hope people wake up and smell the stink that is the Democrat party.


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