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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The GOP declares open season on Mitt Romney for his impeachment integrity

For the GOP, it's open season on Mitt Romney.

The 2012 Republican presidential nominee and current Utah senator is loudly critical of President Trump and his agenda. Romney was wary of the president from the start, but his skepticism has seemingly morphed into outright opposition.

Now that the prospect of impeachment looms, Romney is doing his part to take the matter seriously. As expected, this approach has made him even more of a political pariah during a time when unflinching loyalty to Trump is almost a requirement for congressional Republicans. Once conservative, now Trumpian groups such as the Club For Growth call him a "Democratic secret asset" for not completely discounting the idea of impeachment. But Romney's nonpartisan approach to the matter deserves praise.



  1. This is partisan poison.... a decree of follow lock step or else, you are not allowed to have your own opinions.

    This reminds me more of the Communist party than the Republican. What's next... pledging the party and having to carry a card and keep your papers in order?

    What is happening to America? Look, Romney is not wrong in many of his criticisms... he's just the only one the courage to say it.

    1. 11:11 keep drinking the Kool-Aid. :-)

  2. 11:11 is another commie

  3. Hogan is another ROMNEY. He is a worthless Republican. Both appears to have been groomed by the radical Democrats. They do not promote Conservative ideas or introduce these during times Bills are presented to the Legislature. HOGAN raises taxes and is about to raise them again with his Democratic friend's educational plan rather than have accountability of the excess money they have received and in these hidden accounts they have. What and why are they allowed to have these special funds of tax dollars?

  4. It will be open season on Larry Hogan and Mary Beth Csrroza for endorsing Progressive Democrat Jake Day over his Republican opponent Wayne King.

    We as Conservatives need to support Wayne King and make sure RINO Larry and Mary Beth never gets elected again!

  5. @ October 23, 2019 at 1:29 PM

    You completely miss the point being made! It's about NOT drinking the Kool-Aid. It's about assessing the facts and thinking for yourself, and not merely parroting what your preferred media entertainment source tells you to believe.

    What Romney is pointing out is NOT inaccurate. It's refreshing to see honesty and integrity over partisan politics. I wish this was the norm on all sides... so something can finally get done.

    You want to "end the swamp"? This ends the swamp.


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