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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Task Force Proposes Raising Summer Parking Rates Slightly, While Offering Free Shoulder Season Days

OCEAN CITY — The resort’s parking task force is recommending a plan to hike some rates during the peak season while offering free parking during the shoulder seasons, while expressing no desire to expand paid parking.

The parking task force, a panel made up of elected officials, business owners, residents and other stakeholders, met last Thursday to begin meting out some real recommendations to forward to the Mayor and Council. The task force met multiple times last spring to begin collecting data and forming conceptual ideas for altering the fee structure in existing paid parking areas to enhance revenue, while maintaining fair and palatable rates for visitors and residents.

The task force then went on hiatus for the summer, during which more data was collected, concepts were molded into firm options and potential changes became clearer. The task force reconvened two weeks ago when options were presented, based on the recommendations of the consultant, City Engineer Terry McGean and his staff and the task force members themselves. At the close of that meeting, ballots were distributed instructing members to rate the various options and begin closing in on a preferred option to forward to the Mayor and Council.



  1. Always about money isn't it????? Always... When will you moronic slaves ever educate yourselves?????

  2. Raise it til it hurts.
    Then nobody will come.

    Great plan

  3. 11:10 ("...Always about money isn't it?????...)
    Of course it is.
    Should the Town apologize for that? Absolutely not!
    Unlike any other city in MD, Ocean City is basically a business.
    It should be called "Ocean City, Inc., MD".
    I read somewhere that parking fees are much lower in OC than comparable resort towns in the region.
    OC is a great product. It takes money to keep it that way.
    Charge whatever the market will bear, I say.

  4. AT 12:24:

    Yeah, I'm sure when the 200,000 people (average) a day that visit Ocean City hear that they may have to pay an extra $3.00 a day to park, they will immediately cancel their vacation.
    Pretty much the same way years ago when that burger franchise went up to a dollar for the signature burger, everybody predicted the end of that business.
    "They priced themselves out of the market!"
    A billion burgers later, McDonald's is still here.

  5. Greedy Democrats wanting more money. OC is being priced out of the "FAMILY RESORT" vacation areas. That island will sink and those crooks will want the Feds to pay for their lose. What a joke

  6. If I have said it once - I have said it a thousand times - but I am going to say it again - Stay the hell out of O.C.!! The municipal government has a license to steel - and the general puplic is their mark. If you must go, stay on the west side of Assawoman bay and visit West O.C.

  7. Awesome another nail in the OCs coffin..KEEP AWAY should be the towns new mantra

  8. That is the last straw. $3.00 a day more for parking!
    I'm cancelling my OC family trip and going to Disney World.
    I'd rather pay $137.50 per day (times 4) to get in the park, and get a hotel room for (on average) $275.00 a night.
    OC just lost a customer for that 3 bucks.
    I'd rather pay about $750.00 a day than feed that meter more quarters.
    Wait... I forgot about the $25.00 per day parking fee that is so far away you need to take a tram to the park.
    Maybe that 3 bucks ain't so bad....


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