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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

REMINDER: Matilda-The Musical

All Performances of Matilda will be held at the Wicomico High School Auditorium.
  • Friday November 1st at 8pm
  • Saturday November 2nd at 8pm
  • Sunday November 3rd at 2pm
Matilda is the story of an extraordinary little girl with extraordinary powers. The daughter of abusive parents, Matilda finds refuge in library books, which she reads quickly, and in doing so she creates her own stories. Things are not much better at school, where Matilda also must face a tyrannical and cruel headmistress, Miss Trunchbull, who believes in Crunchem Hall’s motto: “Bambinatum est Magitum,” or “Children are Maggots.” She finds companionship in her teacher, Miss Honey, who though well-intentioned, is shy and fragile. Brave little Matilda knows she has to stand up against the adults in her world, and in doing so, discovers her own remarkable powers. Matilda’s bravery teaches Miss Honey and her classmates an important lesson -- that even though life can be hard, “nobody but me is gonna change my story” so “sometimes you have to be a little bit naughty.”
Rated PG

For more information or to purchase tickets please visit their website. http://sbyplayers.com/

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