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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Poll Shows Elizabeth Warren Pulling Ahead in Early States

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has extended her lead in early primary and caucus states, the latest YouGovUS/CBS News poll reveals.

YouGov conducted the survey for CBS News October 3 – October 9, 2019, polling 16,500 registered voters (7,958 Democrats and Democrat-leaning voters) in 18 early states. Of those surveyed, 31 percent named Warren as their Democrat nominee of choice. Joe Biden (D) came in second place with 25 percent support, followed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) with 17 percent support. The results demonstrate a five-point gain for Warren, who had 26 percent to Biden’s 25 percent in the YouGovUS/CBS News poll taken August 28 – September 4, 2019.

The remaining candidates fell below the well-established top tier. The survey shows Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) down by double digits, with seven percent support. Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D) came in fifth place with five percent support, and former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D) came in right behind with four percent support. The remaining candidates saw one percent support or less. The margin of error is +/- 1.6 percent:



  1. WTF us wrong with people if they actually are supporting this liar

    1. The same poll that said Trump didn't have a chance in 2016. Just wishful thinking on the side of pocohontus.

  2. She's weaker than Hil-liar-y. Trump 2020 Keep America Great...

  3. How stupid are people?!? Don’t they realize that this woman wants to destroy our economy by rewriting the rules of capitalism ( the basics of supply and demand)?!? She’s convinced that money is no object and that she’ll tax the rich (those who she believes are better off than most), or just print more money to pay for all her new programs. I have a sister and two cousins who think she’s the greatest thing since George Washington, anyone but Trump.

  4. I have no respect for anyone stupid enough to vote for any Democrat on any level.

  5. 9:45 modern capitalism is far from supply and demand. If it were basic supply and demand our farmers would go hungry every year. I think its safe to assume she knows that printing money causes inflation, given her education. Sounds like your sister and two cousins are sick of the rich not paying their fair share, just as many Americans are sick of paying more in taxes than someone who has MILLIONS more than they do. Imagine what could be done to help veterans, schools and infrastructure with the hundreds of billions the ultra rich get away with not paying every year. The rich spend a lot of money to convince you that capitalism is the best political movement for you. Still waiting for it to trickle down?

  6. Trump, Trump, Trump, all the way in 2020.

  7. If this is the best of the lot, they're doomed to failure. 2024 should be interesting .

  8. 11:18.....disingenuous much???

    "....hundreds of billions....."?????

    And, you seem to believe that, with those magical extra hundreds of billions, your "leaders" WOULDN'T line their own pockets and those of their friends and relatives??
    I PRAY that warren is their nominee.

    Trump will absolutely destroy her.
    In fact, Trump will beat ANY of them so bad, they won't stop crying for years.

  9. 11:18 you really believe that millionaire, air headed, lying Warren, who refuses to tell us were she’s going to get 32-34 TRILLION DOLLARS from, for just ONE of her idiotic programs (health care for foreigners) & wants to tax the “billionaires” for her other programs…..There are not enough billionaires around. You must be some dead wood living on government subsidy if you are not receiving a tax break every week in your pay check like the rest of us.


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