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Thursday, October 10, 2019

Planned Parenthood ‘isn’t political,’ but it’s investing $45 million in 2020

Planned Parenthood, the titan of the abortion industry, wants to win in 2020 and it’s investing more money than ever to do it.

The organization announced on Wednesday that it plans to spend at least $45 million on local, state, and federal candidates who support abortion. Its "largest-ever electoral effort" is a huge jump from 2018, when the group spent a comparatively meager $5.1 million in the midterm elections, according to Open Secrets.

Planned Parenthood wants to win the White House, take back the Senate for Democrats, and elect legislators across America who will support legal and subsidized abortion. But Planned Parenthood, its executives still insist, is not political.



  1. Any health care law 30 years old SHOULD be re-examined. Health care changes day-by-day.

  2. Didn't the feds give them like 200M not long ago? And now they spend it on politics? Did I miss something? ...smh

  3. I thought nonprofits couldn’t be involved in political campaigns?

  4. They sure make a lot of PROFIT from selling dead baby parts!

  5. Well at least that is money not being spent on abortions.

    Its a win - win. They blow the money and lose.


  6. Simply deduct the $45 mil from whatever their government funding is.

  7. Our taxpayer dollars being used by these butchers to try to rig election...

  8. @ October 10, 2019 at 1:48 PM

    Sort of like Churches or Preachers? Non profits shouldn't be involved in politics?

    All I'm asking for is a little consistency


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