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Saturday, October 26, 2019

Pentagon accused of leaking Flynn phone calls fueling Trump-Russia probe

The attorney for former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn says a senior Pentagon official “is believed to be” the person who leaked the Flynn-Sergey Kislyak phone call transcripts to The Washington Post.

A January 2017 column by Post columnist David Ignatius was a watershed moment in what would be a long FBI investigation into associates of President Trump and any ties to Moscow. Conservatives see it as one of the first blows from an anti-Trump “Deep State” of Obama-Clinton loyalists.

Mr. Ignatius reported on intercepted phone calls between Flynn, the national security adviser in waiting, and Mr. Kislyak, the Russian ambassador.

Such [highly-classified] transcripts are intelligence crown jewels. It is a felony to leak them. Plus, Mr. Kislyak now knew exactly when the U.S. eavesdropped.


1 comment:

  1. Of course they leaked the interview to the media.
    That was the whole point.

    Wake up folks.
    Everything in the media is staged and coordinated to alter our belief system. (propaganda)


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