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Thursday, October 03, 2019

Pelosi NECK DEEP in Ukraine – Female Ukrainian Party Girl Connected to Military and Government is Her Legislative Aide

Nancy Pelosi is neck deep in Ukraine politics. Her legislative aide, Ivanna Voronovych, is from the Ukraine and is connected to the Ukrainian Embassy, the Ukrainian military, the Ukrainian government and Ukrainian party life.

Young Ivanna Voronovych was a party girl in the Ukraine and somehow managed to make her way into a position as a Legislative Aide to Nancy Pelosi –

Young Voronovych started her career working at the US Embassy in the Ukraine in Kiev. She worked for Roman Woronowycz, the Kiev Bureau Chief, who is connected to Nancy Pelosi. As a matter of fact, he is a fan of Pelosi’s. Woronowycz is well connected with with the US Congress as can be seen from the picture below where he was given a tour of the Capital by Voronovych before reportedly meeting up with Pelosi, Schumer and others. He once posted, “Tell Nancy to keep up the good work!” (What is he referring to here?)



  1. Why does the Democrats have foreign aides? Is there not enough US citizens? Pelosi / Ukraine, Feinstein / China, Wassermann-Schultz / Pakistan Afghanistan and who knows how many more. These people have access to National Security information and we wonder how information gets out to these Countries. Democrats are spies and anarchist attempting to destroy US democracy. That is treasonous and communist actions against US Government.

    1. Very good question and analization of of possible treason

  2. These Democratic politicians are knee deep in corruption. Fight for these hearings to be public. Expose their corruption.


  3. San Fran Nan may very well regret poking this hornet's nest. Let's hope she gets stung.


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