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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

New Benghazi Docs Confirm Hillary Clinton Email Cover-Up

Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch released new Hillary Clinton emails on the 2012 Benghazi attack and cover-up that have been hidden for years and would have exposed the fact that Hillary had a private server when the State Department discovered her private email back in 2014.

Recall, it was Judicial Watch who blew the story wide open about Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server back in 2015 through a FOIA lawsuit.

The hidden Clinton email shows Hillary’s aides going into overdrive and dispersing talking points in response to Judicial Watch’s FOIA lawsuit seeking records.



  1. “Rather than defend her email misconduct, DOJ has more than enough evidence to reopen Clinton investigation,” Fitton added.

    Justice must be served, or the department renamed Department of Justice For Some But Not All.

  2. They have dragged delayed deceived so long ib this cover up im sure the statue of limitations applies here?

  3. In court, find all government vote all government employees guilty and all civilians innocent regardless of evidence and charges. I know what they are doing, they are waiting for her to die before coming forth with mountains of evidence for a vast array of crimes. If she is dead she doesn't have to pay justice for her crimes. Call every commucrat a communist to their face. I do. I don't want the crooks around me and calling them out to their face solves that problem

  4. I know that you do not want to hear this but Republican Senator Grassly as well as the State department has cleared Clinton

  5. 7:34 I hope that is real soon.

  6. And she is "contemplating" running in 2020? Hillary obviously has visions of grandeur and just can't let the idea of being POTUS go. I think, hypothetically if she were to run, that many Democrats may flip due to her hypocrisy and career of deceit, corruption, lying (Benghazi and server), and just plain being boring.

  7. Unless they arrest her(them), all of this is pointless BS!...smh

  8. So, lock her wide ass up.


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