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Thursday, October 31, 2019

NBA star: 'Seems like' Ilhan Omar is on the Turkish payroll

Enes Kanter, who plays for the Boston Celtics, had some harsh criticism for Rep. Ilhan Omar after the lawmaker refused to vote in favor of economic sanctions on Turkey.

"What an absolute disappointment and shame that the only democrat who did NOT support the Turkish bill aiming to stop the killing of innocent people is @IlhanMN who seems like on #DictatorErdogan ‘s payroll working for his interests, but not for the American people and democracy!" Kanter said Wednesday night on Twitter.

Omar voted "present" on the resolution and was the only Democrat who did not support the measure to place sanctions on Turkey over its killing of Kurdish forces.



  1. If this doesn't tell everyone what she is, nothing will.

  2. Enemy of America and a traitor. Besides her brother I think she married to Benedict arnold and traitors should be hanged by the neck until dead


  3. Not a surprise. She's a scammer from the start. And of course, her religion, unless it's adultery and payola with her campaign consultant. She should be deported.


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