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Thursday, October 31, 2019

NASA admits that climate change occurs because of changes in Earth’s solar orbit, and NOT because of SUVs and fossil fuels

For more than 60 years, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has known that the changes occurring to planetary weather patterns are completely natural and normal. But the space agency, for whatever reason, has chosen to let the man-made global warming hoax persist and spread, to the detriment of human freedom.

It was the year 1958, to be precise, when NASA first observed that changes in the solar orbit of the earth, along with alterations to the earth’s axial tilt, are both responsible for what climate scientists today have dubbed as “warming” (or “cooling,” depending on their agenda). In no way, shape, or form are humans warming or cooling the planet by driving SUVs or eating beef, in other words.

But NASA has thus far failed to set the record straight, and has instead chosen to sit silently back and watch as liberals freak out about the world supposedly ending in 12 years because of too much livestock, or too many plastic straws.



  1. The earth's atmosphere is a closed system.
    The particulates that rise into the atmosphere from combustion do not escape.
    They remain in the atmosphere and eventually fall back to earth.

    This is also true of the particulates that are sprayed into the atmosphere by tankers.
    That material changes the weather in several ways.
    The aluminum is a desicant meaning it absorbs water.
    This allows the aluminum nano particulate to migrate water from one area of the planet to another area.
    This is the purpose of the US military's geoengineering efforts.
    It causes a warming effect and disrupts the hydrological cycle.

    NASA of course is read in on this program and participates in it.
    The NASA spokesperson is lying through his/her teeth.

    1. I once had an aluminium cup. Filled it water on day to drink with my dinner. Damned if that cup didn't absorb all my water before I was done eating. Actually I'm surprised it is even legal to own anything aluminum, the way it absorbs water

  2. Certainly ..

    you know....as a kid with warm Octobers we saw this month

    normally, a warm October resulted in a snowy wet winter

  3. Nasa is probly involved with the jet spray we see and no way it doesn’t change weather

  4. Please clowns stop trying to wnter this debate. You dont have the intellectual ammo.

  5. How can this be? How can Gore and Decrapio not be our saviors? How can the Democraps survive without making money on Climate change? You mean the EPA and all the other agencies are not needed? All the tax money and emissions and everything else the Demoncraps pushed oh and Hellwood? I am SHOCKED - LMAO - if it comes from a Demoncrpas mouth, its because they are pushing something that will make them HUGE money in stocks somewhere - when will the rest of the US finally understand this. Not to leave out the other 80% Republicans in office to.

  6. Glad to see NASA catching up with the rest of us.

  7. This article is referencing 1958. 19. 58. If you go on the NASA website right now, it tells you the true causes. SURELY the closer we are to the sun the hotter it gets but guess what, it happens every year. The funny thing about science is we are constantly learning. Why would you site only old data?

    1. I say you drink kool aid. We make carbon dioxide, trees breath carbon dioxide. The earth was on fire billios of years ago. Then we have ice ages every 12000 years, which meana we are due sometime in the next few hundred years. The only thing we are learning now is how crooked this global warming scam is and you dont like it. You see most of us saw through this money grab years ago. See ya commie

  8. 9:40 aw did the science man hurt your feelings? Trees don't breathe. Maybe you could also comprehend that when you introduce changes to a system (adding greenhouse gases that insulate the Earth) it chances the outcome of the system (more severe storms, droughts, rising sea levels).

  9. Unfortunately for this comments section, you can't argue with stupid. Aluminum man probably uses antiperspirant with aluminum in it and has no idea.

  10. Aluminum poisoning causes Alzheimers and Dementia, ADD, ADHD, BiPolar Disorder, and Depression.
    Aluminum is everywhere in the environment now, although it is NEVER found in free form in nature. It is always bound to other metals. Now it is absolutely everywhere on the planet and exists as nano particulate.

    Educate yourselves. We are being poisoned in masse. This is real.


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